Queen Christina Nations Cup 2004, ESF
![Queen Christina Nations Cup 2004, ESF 19.6.2014: QCNC organized by Esbo Segelförening was the first race sailing photography session which I count to systematic photographing of race sailing. In other words the start of Sailpix. I used my recently acquired new Olympus Camedia C760UZ camera, which was a 3 Megapixel camera with 10x zoom, equivalent to 42-420 mm in 35mm format. […]](https://sailpix.fi/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/P6190091_Sailpix_2004.jpg)
19.6.2014: QCNC organized by Esbo Segelförening was the first race sailing photography session which I count to systematic photographing of race sailing. In other words the start of Sailpix. I used my recently acquired new Olympus Camedia C760UZ camera, which was a 3 Megapixel camera with 10x zoom, equivalent to 42-420 mm in 35mm format. At that time I didn't have any own motor boat, so I got friendly help from Vesa Kallioniemi who then was the nearest guy to witness the birth of Sailpix (though...