Tag: 5.5m
5.5m Finnish Championship 2024

Combined with the Champagne Regatta the 5.5 metre class has their Finnish Championship with one additional racing day, Friday.
Photos (32) from Friday, race 1.
Results at Manage2sail.com
Viaporin Tuoppi 2023, SuPS

Viaporin Tuoppi is the greatest wooden boat event at least in Nordic. It's an exciting race for wooden beauties and a spectacular feast for sailboat enthusiasts. The 39th Viaporin Tuoppi started with really light winds which increased in power towards the afternoon.
115 photos are available.
Viaporin Tuoppi 2022, SuPS

Viaporin Tuoppi is the greatest wooden boat event at least in Nordic. This was the XXXVIII Viaporin Tuoppi after two years of corona break. The sailing weather was light and sunny. 166 photos are available. Please try to find your own.
Airisto Classic 2022, ASS

Airisto Classic regatta organized by Airisto Segelsällskap for the fourth time at Åbo Båtvarv / Ruissalon telakka as race harbour.
Saturday photos (53).
Prizegiving dinner on Saturday night:
Friday photos (34).
Thursday photos (67).
Airisto Classic 2021, ASS

Airisto Classic regatta third time with Åbo Båtvarv / Ruissalon telakka as race harbour.
Thursday photos (81) from the archipelago race.
Friday photos (58) from the race course with 8mR, 6mR, 5.5m, 5m.
Saturday photos (87) from the archipelago race and the race course.
Airisto Classic 2020, ASS
![Airisto Classic 2020, ASS Airisto Classic is a regatta organized by Airisto Segelsällskap i Åbo in Turku, the old capital (until 1812) of Finland. The race harbour is another big chapter of Finnish yacht building history, the Åbo Båtvarv. Big thanks to the Håkans company/family who has restored the old boat yard area to a multifunctional work and experience […]](https://sailpix.fi/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/N87_3964_DxO.jpg)
Airisto Classic is a regatta organized by Airisto Segelsällskap i Åbo in Turku, the old capital (until 1812) of Finland. The race harbour is another big chapter of Finnish yacht building history, the Åbo Båtvarv.
Big thanks to the Håkans company/family who has restored the old boat yard area to a multifunctional work and experience center. It's always a great pleasure to see and photograph these beautiful yachts.
Photos (67) from Saturday, the third regatta day, all three races and also...
Hangö Classics 2020
![Hangö Classics 2020 Hangö Classics is a regatta, organized by Hangö Segelförening HSF, that is in 2020 replacing the Hangö Regatta which would have been too big with regards to the Corona restrictions. The 8mR, 6mR, Int5mR, 5.5M, Dragon, A-boat, Hai and Nordic Folkboat are racing on a course from year 1932 with just some modifications. Photos are […]](https://sailpix.fi/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/N87_2588_DxO.jpg)
Hangö Classics is a regatta, organized by Hangö Segelförening HSF, that is in 2020 replacing the Hangö Regatta which would have been too big with regards to the Corona restrictions. The 8mR, 6mR, Int5mR, 5.5M, Dragon, A-boat, Hai and Nordic Folkboat are racing on a course from year 1932 with just some modifications.
Photos are from Friday (race 1 and 2) and Sunday (races 3, 4 and 5).
On Saturday no races because of too hard wind.
Race 1 - Friday (39 photos)
Race 2 - Friday...
Hanko Regatta 2018
![Hanko Regatta 2018 One of the main race sailing regattas in Finland with over 200 boats competing in 19 classes. This years photos are from Friday and Saturday. On Sunday I was called in with short notice, to sail in Lys2 class, so unfortunately I have no photos from the 49er, F18 or Moth. Also no photos from […]](https://sailpix.fi/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/N93_5793_DxO.jpg)
One of the main race sailing regattas in Finland with over 200 boats competing in 19 classes. This years photos are from Friday and Saturday. On Sunday I was called in with short notice, to sail in Lys2 class, so unfortunately I have no photos from the 49er, F18 or Moth. Also no photos from the Lys1 or Lys2 classes.
Friday photos from race area D
Saturday photos from race area C
All results from the regatta on Hanko Regatta results page.
Viaporin Tuoppi 2017, SuPS
![Viaporin Tuoppi 2017, SuPS Viaporin Tuoppi is the biggest event for wooden boats in Europe. This year it was organized for the 33rd time. The sailing weather was light and partly cloudy. After most of the boats had arrived to the after sail party at the Suomenlinna island the worst thunderstorm of the whole summer struck the event, anyhow […]](https://sailpix.fi/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/N92_0021_DxO.jpg)
Viaporin Tuoppi is the biggest event for wooden boats in Europe. This year it was organized for the 33rd time. The sailing weather was light and partly cloudy. After most of the boats had arrived to the after sail party at the Suomenlinna island the worst thunderstorm of the whole summer struck the event, anyhow without causing any bigger damages. 80 photos and a short 2 minute video.
Results, which are not the most important thing in this event, can be found HERE.