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Copyright notice

The photographs and other material on this site are protected by international copyright laws. You can use low resolution photos from for private use and even put them on your own or yachts non-commercial webpages, but you are obliged to mention the source / photographer of the pictures. All commercial use needs to be agreed separately.
Without a written permission of Sailpix/Erik Lähteenmäki It is NOT allowed to put the photos on ANY social media websites, like Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, which have a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any picture content that you post. Please, open the Facebook user terms here: Sharing your Content and Information.

Low resolution photos – Free

To save low resolution photo in Windows, press the right mouse button on the photo and save picture with the help of the “save picture as..” menu option. Alternatively just simply drag and drop the photo with the mouse to your desktop or a folder.

High resolution pictures – Pricing

Full resolution photo files are available on request. For private and non-commercial use (sailing clubs and associations) the price for a full resolution jpg-file is 15€. For commercial use 75 – 150 € (depending on use) per photo, including 24% VAT. When needed, the commercial photo file can be in lossless TIFF-format.  Copyright remains at Sailpix also after pictures have been sold, so it is not allowed to sell pictures further to third party.



Private or non-commercial use (sailing clubs and associations)

Low resolution photo downloaded from free

High resolution photo, ordered from 15€

Commercial use

Low resolution photo downloaded from 15€

High resolution photo, ordered from 75-150€ (depending on use)


Request by phone, email or send form below

Erik Lähteenmäki phone: +358 400 199 950 email: